WWII - Unleashing the Atom: The Manhattan Project & The Quest for Nuclear Power

The mushroom cloud of the 'Little Boy' bomb over the province of Hiroshima in Japan in 1945, Brought about by the US Armed Forces and the US Air Force. At the time this photo was made, smoke billowed 20,000 feet above Hiroshima while smoke from the burst of the first atomic bomb had spread over 10,000 feet on the target at the base of the rising column. Six planes of the 509th Composite Group, participated in this mission; one to carry the bomb Enola Gay, one to take scientific measurements of the blast The Great Artiste, the third to take photographs Necessary Evil. The others flew approximately an hour ahead to act as weather scouts. Bad weather would disqualify a target as the scientists insisted on a visual delivery. The primary target was Hiroshima, secondary was Kokura, and tertiary was Nagasaki. 08/06/1945. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
Part 1: Origins and Initial Endeavors In the annals of scientific history, few endeavors have had as big an impact as the Manhattan Project. Born out of the crucible of World War II, this top-secret research program aimed to unlock the power of the atom and forever change the course of warfare. Its roots can be traced back to the early 20th century, when scientific breakthroughs laid the groundwork for the nuclear age.
At the heart of the Manhattan Project was the quest for a viable atomic weapon, a journey that required groundbreaking research into the physics of atomic particles. This ambitious undertaking was ignited by a letter written by Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard and signed by Albert Einstein (known as the Einstein-Szilard Letter). It was sent to President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939, and warned of the potential for a new and devastating kind of weapon. Concerned that Nazi Germany might harness the destructive power of nuclear fission, Roosevelt authorized the formation of the Advisory Committee on Uranium, which marked the first steps towards the creation of the Manhattan Project.

Scan of the letter sent to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 2, 1939, was signed by Albert Einstein but largely written by Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
The project's scope expanded exponentially in 1942, following the United States' entry into the war. Under the leadership of Brigadier General Leslie R. Groves, a seasoned military engineer, and with the scientific direction of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, a select group of the world's brightest minds converged on a remote location in Los Alamos, New Mexico. This isolated enclave became the birthplace of the atomic bomb.

Los Alamos Tech Area with names of buildings, circa 1945. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).

Los Alamos Tech Area, circa 1944. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).

Isidor Isaac Rabi, Dorothy McKinnon, Robert Oppenheimer and Victor Weisskopf at Oppenheimer's home in Los Alamos, 1944. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
To harness the energy of the atom, the Manhattan Project required vast quantities of specific materials. Chief among them was uranium-235, an isotope capable of sustaining a nuclear chain reaction. Obtaining this rare and highly coveted element presented a significant challenge. The project established a network of facilities across the United States to produce the necessary fissile material. The most notable of these was the massive Hanford Engineer Works in Washington State, where reactors produced plutonium-239, an alternative to uranium-235.

Hanford B-Reactor Area in Washington State. "100-B reactor and water treatment area". B Reactor is at center. 2 June 1944. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
Secrecy was paramount throughout the Manhattan Project's lifespan. The entire enterprise was shrouded in a veil of utmost secrecy, with participants bound by stringent security measures. The project operated under a cover name—initially "Development of Substitute Materials" and later "Manhattan Engineer District"—to divert attention from its true purpose. Security clearances were rigorously enforced, and the dissemination of information was limited to a need-to-know basis.

A billboard encouraging secrecy amongst Oak Ridge Manhattan Project workers.1940s. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
The preservation of secrecy proved essential in a world rife with espionage and intelligence operations. Although the Soviet Union was an ally during the war, suspicions grew regarding their intentions in the post-war world. As a result, Soviet espionage targeted the Manhattan Project from its early stages. Soviet spies, most notably Klaus Fuchs and Theodore Hall, infiltrated Los Alamos and passed classified information to Moscow. These acts of espionage raised concerns about the longevity of American nuclear dominance and contributed to the escalating tensions of the Cold War era.

Police photograph of Physicist Klaus Fuchs. In 1933 Fuchs fled Germany for Britain. During the War he worked on the Manhattan Project in the United States to build the Atomic Bomb and later worked on British nuclear projects. In 1950 he admitted spying for the Russians since 1942 and passing on details of British and American nuclear technology. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
The culmination of the Manhattan Project's efforts arrived in the summer of 1945 when the United States unleashed the destructive power of the atom on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bombings, which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians, forever altered the course of history. The Manhattan Project had achieved its objective, but the ethical implications of this unprecedented act of warfare would cast a long and haunting shadow. Part 2: Materials, Personnel, and Technical Challenges The success of the Manhattan Project hinged upon the availability and mastery of the materials required to harness the energy of the atom. Obtaining and refining these elements posed immense challenges, pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and industrial capabilities.
Uranium-235, the primary fissile material needed for an atomic bomb, is a rare isotope that constitutes only 0.7% of naturally occurring uranium. To separate this isotope from the more abundant uranium-238, the project employed a revolutionary technique called gaseous diffusion. This method involved passing uranium hexafluoride gas through a series of barriers with progressively smaller holes. The lighter uranium-235 molecules would diffuse slightly faster, allowing for their enrichment.

Diagram of the gaseous diffusion process, used in the Manhattan Project. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
Another enrichment method employed by the Manhattan Project was electromagnetic separation, which utilized powerful magnets to separate the isotopes based on their mass-to-charge ratio. The principle was similar to a mass spectrometer, with the heavier uranium-238 atoms being deflected more than the lighter uranium-235 atoms.
In addition to uranium-235, plutonium-239 emerged as an alternative fissile material during the project. Plutonium-239 could be produced by irradiating uranium-238 in a nuclear reactor. To facilitate this, the Hanford Engineer Works in Washington State was established, comprising large reactors that utilized graphite as a moderator and produced plutonium through a process of neutron capture and beta decay.

Large electromagnet called "Alpha 1 racetrack" used to separate the isotope uranium-235 from uranium-238 in natural uranium at the Y-12 plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Part of the secret US World War 2 Manhattan Project to make an atomic bomb. Circa 1945 (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
The procurement and processing of these materials required an immense industrial effort. The project established numerous facilities across the United States, including the Oak Ridge Reservation in Tennessee, where the gaseous diffusion plant was located, and the Hanford Engineer Works for plutonium production. These sites employed thousands of workers and operated around the clock to meet the demands of the Manhattan Project.
The success of the Manhattan Project can also be attributed to the brilliant minds that were assembled to tackle the scientific challenges it posed. Led by physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, the project's scientific personnel consisted of a veritable who's who of the scientific community. Prominent scientists such as Enrico Fermi, Hans Bethe, Richard Feynman, and Niels Bohr (working under the assumed name of Nicholas Baker while in the United States), among many others, lent their expertise to the development of atomic weapons.

Enrico Fermi, Italian-American physicist, received the 1938 Nobel Prize in physics for identifying new elements and discovering nuclear reactions by his method of nuclear irradiation and bombardment. He was born in Rome, Italy, on September 29, 1901, and died in Chicago, Illinois, on November 28, 1954. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
The collaboration between scientists and engineers from various disciplines was crucial to the project's success. Theoretical physicists provided the fundamental understanding of atomic physics, while engineers designed and constructed the intricate machinery necessary for the enrichment and production of fissile materials. This interdisciplinary approach fostered innovation and pushed the boundaries of scientific and technological knowledge.
However, the project was not without its technical challenges. The construction of the first nuclear reactor, known as the Chicago Pile-1, presented a formidable task. The reactor, which utilized graphite blocks as a moderator, required precise control of neutron flux to achieve a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. Under the leadership of Enrico Fermi, scientists and engineers overcame these challenges, successfully demonstrating controlled nuclear fission on December 2, 1942.

Diagram of Chicago Pile-1, the first nuclear reactor to achieve a self-sustaining chain reaction. Designed by Fermi, it consisted of uranium and uranium oxide in a cubic lattice embedded in graphite. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
Furthermore, the development of a practical atomic bomb necessitated the design and engineering of an intricate and delicate device capable of achieving critical mass and initiating a chain reaction. This involved the precise assembly of fissile material, explosives, and triggering mechanisms within a compact and reliable package. Achieving this required tremendous effort and expertise, with numerous trial-and-error experiments conducted at Los Alamos and other research facilities.

Alamogordo, NM - Trinity Test, July 16, 1945 - Vital Components are loaded at the old McDonald Ranch for the trip to the Trinity test site. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).

The preparation of "the Gadget" for the Trinity test, July 1945. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
Part 3: Unleashing Destruction and Shaping the Postwar World The fateful moment arrived in the summer of 1945 when the United States made the harrowing decision to deploy the atomic bomb as a weapon of war. On August 6, the city of Hiroshima became the target of the first atomic bomb, code-named "Little Boy."

Deak Parsons (right) supervises loading the "Little Boy" bomb into the B-29 Enola Gay. Norman Ramsey is on his left, with his back to the camera. 5 August 1945. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).

Photograph of a mock-up of the Little Boy nuclear weapon dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, in August 1945. This was the first photograph of the Little Boy bomb casing to ever be released by the U.S. government (it was declassified in 1960). (Source: Wikimedia Commons).

Enola Gay and crew members. The Enola Gay was a Boeing B-29 Superfortressbomber, named after Enola Gay Tibbets, the mother of the pilot, Colonel Paul Tibbets. On 6 August 1945, during the final stages of World War II, it became the first aircraft to drop an atomic bomb in warfare. The bomb, code-named "Little Boy", was targeted at the city of Hiroshima, Japan, and caused the destruction of about three quarters of the city.(Source: Wikimedia Commons).
The bomb, powered by uranium-235, detonated with a force equivalent to approximately 15,000 tons of TNT, instantly leveling the city and causing unprecedented devastation. An estimated 70,000 to 80,000 people perished in the immediate aftermath, and tens of thousands more would succumb to injuries and radiation sickness in the following weeks and months.

The complete destruction brought about by the atomic bomb on August 6 1945 at exactly 8:15 am. The building still somewhat standing is the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, one of the very few structures that weren't completely obliterated. Designated a monument to the bombing, the ruin still stands today and is known as the Genbaku (A-bomb) dome. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).

Photo of what became later Hiroshima Peace Memorial among the ruins of buildings in Hiroshima, in early October, 1945, photo by Shigeo Hayashi. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).

Toyoko Kugata, at age 22, receiving treatment at Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital, October 6, 1945. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
The bombing of Hiroshima sent shockwaves around the world. The destructive power of the atomic bomb was demonstrated on an unimaginable scale, and it became abundantly clear that the rules of warfare had forever changed. Yet, despite the catastrophic loss of life, the Japanese government did not immediately surrender, prompting the United States to drop a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki on August 9. The plutonium-based weapon, known as "Fat Man," caused similar devastation, leading to the deaths of an estimated 40,000 people.

"Fat Man" bomb is readied on Tinian, 5 August 1945. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).

Mushroom cloud above Nagasaki after atomic bombing on August 9, 1945. Taken from the north west. A dense column of smoke rises more than 60,000 feet into the air over the Japanese port of Nagasaki, the result of an atomic bomb, the second ever used in warfare, dropped on the industrial center August 8, 1945, from a U.S. B-29 Superfortress. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).

The patient's skin is burned in a pattern corresponding to the dark portions of a kimono worn at the time of the explosion. Japan, circa 1945. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki marked the culmination of the Manhattan Project's mission to develop a practical atomic weapon. The project's scientists and engineers had successfully harnessed the power of the atom, but the ethical implications of their creation would cast a long and haunting shadow. The unprecedented loss of civilian life raised profound moral questions and ignited a global debate about the use of nuclear weapons.
Within the Manhattan Project, discussions about the ethical dimensions of atomic weapons were not absent. Several scientists, including J. Robert Oppenheimer, expressed concerns about the devastating impact of the bombs and the potential for escalating arms races. Oppenheimer, who had played a pivotal role in leading the scientific efforts at Los Alamos, famously stated after witnessing the successful test of the first atomic bomb, "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds". His words reflected the moral weight of the project's accomplishment and the existential challenges it posed.
J. Robert Oppenheimer speaks those famous words. (Source: YouTube).
In the aftermath of the bombings, the world grappled with the implications of this new era of warfare. The destruction and horror witnessed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki spurred a global movement for disarmament and the prevention of future nuclear catastrophes. The United States, having demonstrated its atomic prowess, soon found itself at the center of discussions regarding international control and regulation of nuclear weapons.
The postwar era witnessed a complex interplay of diplomatic negotiations, scientific advancements, and political maneuvering. The United States, keen to maintain its atomic monopoly, initially kept tight control over nuclear technology. However, the Soviet Union's successful acquisition of atomic weapons in 1949 shattered America's nuclear dominance and set the stage for the Cold War arms race.
The proliferation of nuclear weapons posed a grave threat to global security, prompting efforts to establish mechanisms for arms control and non-proliferation. The creation of the United Nations, the negotiation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1968, and subsequent treaties and agreements aimed to curb the spread of nuclear weapons and promote disarmament. The specter of mutually assured destruction loomed large, and the world stood on the precipice of nuclear annihilation throughout the tensest moments of the Cold War.
The legacy of the Manhattan Project reverberates to this day. It birthed the nuclear age and forever altered the trajectory of scientific research, warfare, and international relations. The awe-inspiring power and destructive capabilities of nuclear weapons have engendered both fear and caution, leading to delicate balances of deterrence and diplomatic efforts to prevent their use.